Corps Vet by Dick Hrebik

June 25, 2010 by  
Filed under Non-Fiction

Corps VetMore than just a Marine’s motto, Dick Hrebik takes these words to heart and lives the life he espouses. From the streets of Chicago to the jungles of Vietnam to law offices in Washington, D.C., Hrebik’s moral compass and values guide him through the highs and lows of his life.

Dick’s courageous voice from the “Silent Generation,” offers a unique insight into a Marine’s mind, and how the lessons he was taught in the military carried forward into his life after his distinguished career in the U.S. Marine Corps.

Windy City Publishers, $12.99, August 2010, ISBN#: 978-0-9819505-8-7

This podcast was recorded at BookExpo America 2010 in New York City.


One Response to “Corps Vet by Dick Hrebik”
  1. John N. Wurth says:

    I will go out today and by your book at Borders and good luck on the movie deal.
    I just wish that the movie industry would make some movies about us Vietnam Vets that show the truth about us no matter how boring and uneventful that may be.
    The vast majority of us came back from the war to little pomp and ceremony. We just melted back into American life to become useful and productive members of society and try to find some normaliztion in our lives. America wanted to forget about Vietnam and we wanted the same thing.
    They need to look at the positive things that we veterans learned from our military service and get over themselves. Movies like Platoon, Full Metal Jacket, The Boys in Company C and their like do a great disservice to us Vietnam Vets.
    It has just been in the last 5-6 years that I have “come out of the closet” about my Vietnam service. I have reconnected with my Skipper, Tom Scheib, and started attending Marine Corps reunions. I cannot express the joy that this has brought in my life. I love being back together with the people that I feel most comfortable being around. You know how we Corpsman feel about our Marines.
    Again, I wish you the best of luck with your endeavor to bring you book to the “Big Screen”.

    Semper Fidelis,
    Doc Wurth
    Lima 3/9
    RVN 1967-68