A Crate of Vodka by Alfred Kokh and Igor Svinarenko

June 22, 2009 by  
Filed under Non-Fiction, Other Authors On Tour

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A Crate of Vodka Two Russian friends, Alfred Kokh and Igor Svinarenko, revisit the years 1982-2001 and how their lives and the country they grew up in changed dramatically with freedom, success and opportunity mixed with nostalgia and new politics that continue today.

Enigma Books, $28.00, June 2009, ISBN#: 9781929631896

This podcast was recorded at BookExpo America 2009 in New York City.

That’s Why We Don’t Eat Animals by Ruby Roth

June 22, 2009 by  
Filed under Children's, Other Authors On Tour

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That's Why We Don't Eat Animals: A Book About Vegans, Vegetarians, and All Living ThingsRuby Roth‘s That’s Why We Don’t Eat Animals uses colorful artwork and lively text to introduce vegetarianism and veganism to early readers (ages six to ten).

North Atlantic Books, $16.95, May 2009, ISBN#: 9781556437854

This podcast was recorded at BookExpo America 2009 in New York City.

NOC by Nicholas Anderson

June 22, 2009 by  
Filed under Fiction, Other Authors On Tour

NOC Non-Official Cover British Secret Operations Multiple operations “on the black” are described by a major protagonist from tracking IRA gunmen in the Bronx, to Bulgaria, the USSR, North Africa and the Sudan. Nicholas Anderson has done more than the average operative in the field in this non-stop action thriller.

Enigma Books, $19.00, June 2009, ISBN#: 9781929631858

This podcast was recorded at BookExpo America 2009 in New York City.

Pennies From An Angel by Tamara Pelosi and Susan Semerade

June 22, 2009 by  
Filed under Non-Fiction, Other Authors On Tour

Pennies From An Angel ~ Innocent Lives Behind A Crime In Tamara Pelosi and Susan Semerade‘s, Pennies From An Angel, a nationally publicized murder leaves a wake of destruction in its path, beyond the family of the victim, often there is a hidden story.

Mill City Press, $18.95, December 2008, ISBN#: 9781934937402

This podcast was recorded at BookExpo America 2009 in New York City.

Yiddish Yoga by Lisa Grunberger

June 22, 2009 by  
Filed under Fiction, Other Authors On Tour

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Yiddish Yoga: Ruthie's Adventures in Love, Loss and the Lotus PositionLisa Grunberger‘s poignant and funny tale written in the voice of Ruthie, a recently widowed New York City Jewish grandmother, who accepts her granddaughter’s gift of a year’s worth of yoga lessons with surprising results.

Newmarket Press, $15.00, August 2009, ISBN#:9781557048356

This podcast was recorded at BookExpo America 2009 in New York City.

Twisted Confessions by Charles E. Skoller

June 22, 2009 by  
Filed under Non-Fiction, Other Authors On Tour

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Twisted Confessions: The True Story Behind the Kitty Genovese and Barbara Kralik Murder TrialsProsecutor Charles E. Skoller‘s first-hand account of the shocking 1960s murder case.

Bridgeway Books, $19.95, April 2009, ISBN#: 9781934454176

This podcast was recorded at BookExpo America 2009 in New York City.

Predators and Child Molestors by Robin Sax

June 22, 2009 by  
Filed under Non-Fiction, Other Authors On Tour

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Predators and Child Molesters: What Every Parent Needs to Know to Keep Kids SafeIn this straightforward, clearly written guidebook, veteran sex-crimes prosecutor and Los Angeles deputy district attorney Robin Sax answers one hundred questions that she has most often encountered in her fifteen years of experience.

Prometheus Books, $17.98, April 2009, ISBN#: 9781591027126

This podcast was recorded at BookExpo America 2009 in New York City.

Certain Jeopardy by Jeff Struecker

June 22, 2009 by  
Filed under Fiction, Other Authors On Tour

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Certain Jeopardy A Special Ops Mission is about to hit Certain Jeopardy status when a nuclear weapons expert is kidnapped by terrorists, exposing the team to a physical encounter with the enemy on foreign soil and forcing an emotional battle in the families back at home.

B&H Publishing Group, $14.99, May 2009, ISBN#: 9780805448535

This podcast was recorded at BookExpo America 2009 in New York City.

Jackson by T.P. Jones

June 22, 2009 by  
Filed under Fiction, Other Authors On Tour

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JacksonIn T.P. JonesJackson, tensions rise as a large manufacturing plant’s closing threatens a small town’s survival.

Synergy Books, $24.95, September 2009, ISBN#: 9780982160183

This podcast was recorded at BookExpo America 2009 in New York City.

The Sky Rained Heroes by Frederick LaCroix

June 22, 2009 by  
Filed under Non-Fiction, Other Authors On Tour

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The Sky Rained Heroes: A Journey from War to RemembranceFrederick LaCroix‘s true account of two WWII fighter-pilots—one American, one Japanese—and the journey that would bring their descendants together.

Synergy Books, $21.95, May 2009, ISBN#: 9780982160138

This podcast was recorded at BookExpo America 2009 in New York City.

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