AOT #168: Jennifer Chiaverini Podcasts The Lost Quilter

June 29, 2009 by  
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Jennifer Chiaverini The Lost Quilter

Jennifer Chiaverini, celebrating the 10th anniversary of her beloved Elm Creek Quilts series, reads from and discusses her 14th series installment The Lost Quilter, which picks up the threads from The Runaway Quilt, to tell another tale of adventure, love, perseverance and, of course, quilting.

($24.00) Simon and Schuster ISBN #0-06-156714-0. You can visit Jennifer Chiaverini’s official web site as well.

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Best of AOT: David Sedaris Reads Crybaby from When You Are Engulfed in Flames

June 22, 2009 by  
Filed under Best of AOT

David SedarisWhile on book tour for When You Are Engulfed in Flames, David Sedaris read to a standing room-only crowd at the Tattered Cover book store in Lower Downtown Denver.

This story from the book, Crybaby, recounts Sedaris’s experience with a publicly mourning seatmate on a flight from New York City to Paris. Listen in as Sedaris electrifies the Tattered Cover crowd.

This podcast was originally recorded on June 22, 2008. Listen to the entire David Sedaris Podcast.

Health Care Will Not Reform Itself by George Halvorson

June 22, 2009 by  
Filed under Non-Fiction, Other Authors On Tour

Health Care Will Not Reform Itself: A User's Guide to Refocusing and Reforming American Health CareWritten by one of the leading authorities in the industry, this book provides a basic primer on the American health care system. Using simple-to-understand language supplemented by insightful anecdotes and examples, the author cuts through the thicket of health care reform rhetoric to offer a step-by-step blueprint for achieving real improvements in health care delivery, as well as putting curbs on growing health care costs.

CRC Press, $29.95, May 2009, ISBN#: 9781439816141

This podcast was recorded at BookExpo America 2009 in New York City.

The Birth (and Death) of the Cool by Ted Gioia

June 22, 2009 by  
Filed under Non-Fiction, Other Authors On Tour

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The Birth (and Death) of the CoolThis intriguing cultural history shows why cool is not a timeless concept and how it has begun to lose meaning and fade into history being replaced by a new cultural tone, one marked by sincerity, earnestness, and a quest for authenticity.

Speck Press, $25.00, November 2009, ISBN #: 9781933108315

This podcast was recorded at BookExpo America 2009 in New York City.

After Jihad by Oliver North

June 22, 2009 by  
Filed under Fiction, Other Authors On Tour

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After JihadIn Oliver North‘s, After Jihad, Peter Newman, the hero of Oliver North’s first three New York Times best-selling novels, returns to action in 2032 to battle government corruption and find a missing fuel cell scientist.

B&H Publishing Group, $27.99, November 2009, ISBN#: 9780805447187

This podcast was recorded at BookExpo America 2009 in New York City.

Saving Freedom by Jim DeMint

June 22, 2009 by  
Filed under Non-Fiction, Other Authors On Tour

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Saving FreedomSaving Freedom is Senator Jim DeMint‘s first-hand account of the unsettling socialist shift behind-the-scenes action in Congress that are changing the character of our nation.

B&H Publishing Group, $26.99, July 2009, ISBN#: 9780805449570

This podcast was recorded at BookExpo America 2009 in New York City.

The Argyle Sweater by Scott Hilburn

June 22, 2009 by  
Filed under Fiction, Other Authors On Tour

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The Argyle SweaterThe Argyle Sweater is a comic for grown-ups but it’s inspired by a childlike imagination and charm. Follow bears, bees, chickens, wolves, dogs, cats, zebras, cops, game shows, phones, cavemen, and even nursery rhyme icons and an evil scientist, into the mischief and perfect-fitting dialogue of The Argyle Sweater world.

Andrews McMeel Publishing, $12.99, April 2009, ISBN#: 9780740776953

This podcast was recorded at BookExpo America 2009 in New York City.

Ready or Not…They’re Gay by Paul and Hjordy Wagner

June 22, 2009 by  
Filed under Non-Fiction, Other Authors On Tour

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Ready or Not...They're Gay: Stories from a Midwestern FamilyPaul & Hjordy Wagner‘s Ready or Not…They’re Gay discusses “coming out” guidance for parents and teachers of gay children.

Synergy Books, $14.95, May 2009, ISBN#: 9780981546285

This podcast was recorded at BookExpo America 2009 in New York City.

Silent But Deadly by Mark Tatulli

June 22, 2009 by  
Filed under Fiction, Other Authors On Tour

Silent But Deadly Centered around an odd, ghostly-pale child named LIO, and his creepy coterie of friends, including a giant squid named Ishmael and a scythe-carrying grim reaper, LIO is influenced by cartooning greats Gahan Wilson, Charles Addams, and 19th-century satirist A. J. Volck.

Andrews McMeel Publishing, $12.99, September 2008, ISBN#: 9780740777424

This podcast was recorded at BookExpo America 2009 in New York City.

The Side-Yard Superhero by Rick D. Niece

June 22, 2009 by  
Filed under Non-Fiction, Other Authors On Tour

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The Side-Yard SuperheroRick D. Niece‘s true account of a man’s journey home to reconnect with a childhood friend, and the memories that brought them together.

Synergy Books, $17.95, March 2009, ISBN#: 9780981546209

This podcast was recorded at BookExpo America 2009 in New York City.

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