Corps Vet by Dick Hrebik

June 25, 2010 by  
Filed under Non-Fiction

Corps VetMore than just a Marine’s motto, Dick Hrebik takes these words to heart and lives the life he espouses. From the streets of Chicago to the jungles of Vietnam to law offices in Washington, D.C., Hrebik’s moral compass and values guide him through the highs and lows of his life.

Dick’s courageous voice from the “Silent Generation,” offers a unique insight into a Marine’s mind, and how the lessons he was taught in the military carried forward into his life after his distinguished career in the U.S. Marine Corps.

Windy City Publishers, $12.99, August 2010, ISBN#: 978-0-9819505-8-7

This podcast was recorded at BookExpo America 2010 in New York City.

Butterfly by Rochelle Alers

June 25, 2010 by  
Filed under Fiction

ButterflyFrom her first high-heeled step onto a Paris runway, supermodel Seneca Houston has been a sensation. Ever since, she’s been surrounded by couture clothes, glittering celebrities—and the constant glare of the paparazzi. She’s become muse to designer Luis Navarro, who christens her Butterfly. Now, at thirty three, Seneca wants the only thing that seems out of reach—a husband, children and a normal life. When Seneca decides to retire from modeling, there are repercussions she never expected. Some people want Butterfly to stay trapped in the spotlight, even if it destroys her.

Harlequin Enterprises/Kimani Press, $14.95, August 2010, ISBN#: 978-0-373-83199-9

This podcast was recorded at BookExpo America 2010 in New York City.

The Intuitive Warrior: Lessons from a Navy SEAL on Unleashing Your Hidden Potential by Michael Jaco

June 25, 2010 by  
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The Intuitive Warrior: Lessons from a Navy SEAL on Unleashing Your Hidden PotentialFrom conflicts in Panama to war in Iraq, former Navy SEAL Michael Jaco has employed his powers of perception and awareness to save his life and the lives of his fellow SEALs. The Intuitive Warrior will teach you how employing the methods perfected by a genuine military hero can act as a catalyst toward developing a richer, more fulfilled life.

Synergy Books, $13.95, March 2010, ISBN#: 978-0-9840760-0-0

This podcast was recorded at BookExpo America 2010 in New York City.

Almost Perfect by Susan Mallery

June 25, 2010 by  
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Almost PerfectNew York Times and USA TODAY bestselling author Susan Mallery examines whether a secret romance can really lead to a love in Almost Perfect, the second novel in her sexy and emotional new A Fool’s Gold Romance series. Other books in the series include Chasing Perfect (May 2010) and Finding Perfect (September 2010).

Harlequin Enterprises/HQN Books, $7.99, September 2010, ISBN#: 978-0-373-77490-6

This podcast was recorded at BookExpo America 2010 in New York City.

Winning Investment Decisions by Walter F. Wild, Ph.D.

June 24, 2010 by  
Filed under Non-Fiction

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Winning Investment DecisionsWinning Investment Decisions by Walter F. Wild provides the beginning or uncertain investor with the basic guidelines to achieve satisfactory investment results. It combines the exposition of financial and psychological realities about which the investor should be aware. It details tactics to minimize risk and optimize benefits as well as a strategy to enhance capital safety, capital appreciation, and growing income. False investment myths and self-serving aspects of advice given by many brokerage firms and newsletters are exposed.

Xlibris , $29.99, ISBN#: 978-1-4500-7658-6

Marriage of the Lamb by J. Gordon Powell

June 24, 2010 by  
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Marriage of the LambAuthor J. Gordon Powell thinks he was born to be a teaching prophet. Although he is not yet a commissioned prophet as defined by Moses to Aaron and Miriam, he has already discovered a lot of information about repentance and rapture.

He believes that rapture is imminent and that many church leaders are expecting spiritual awakening. This may be the revival that some scholars anticipate as has been prophesied. Unfortunately, however, the very same teachers who predict revival before rapture still cling to religious traditions that allow pagan deities to deceive them.

Gordon believes that modern humans are resisting repentance in preparation for rapture because they are using intellect to function like gods. This desire to be like the gods was the reason humans severed their covenant union with God back when the earth was still young.

These beliefs, the scripture, and the author’s views on theology are discussed in detail in Marriage of the Lamb. Through his book, Gordon warns the citizens to abandon religious deception and repent to a marriage relationship with Christ.

Xlibris , $29.99, ISBN#: 978-1-4500-8362-1

I Was Trained To Be A Spy by Helias Doundoulakis

June 24, 2010 by  
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I Was Trained To Be A SpyI Was Trained To Be A Spy follows the story of an American-born boy who grew up in a small village on the Greek island of Crete. During his final year in high school, he witnesses the German invasion of the island as WWII began. At the age of eighteen, he joined a resistance group and supplied crucial information to the SOE, the arm of the English Intelligence Service. This group however is uncovered, resulting in their evacuation by the SOE, to Cairo.

There, Helias Doundoulakis was asked to join English Intelligence, only to pursue the American OSS (Office of Strategic Services), the fledgling American spy organization. He enlisted in the U.S. Army and was attached to the OSS’s SI or Secret Intelligence sector, where the author was trained for intelligence as well as defensive combat skills. After being oriented into a skilled “spy”, Doundoulakis was sent back to Salonica, Greece along with a Greek naval intelligence officer, and later set up a communications cell with a wireless radio he smuggled in, hidden inside a can of olive oil!

I Was Trained To Be A Spy is a heart-rendering account told in simple prose, of one young man’s spy training. He was the only American soldier in Salonica for a period of nine months, sending daily messages to OSS headquarters in Cairo on German troop movements. With these cryptic messages, many Axis ships were sunk, trains bombed, and thousand of Germans were killed. The author was decorated by the United States Army and the Greek government after the war, became a successful civil engineer, and holds the patent for the world’s largest radio telescope in Arecibo, Puerto Rico.

Xlibris , $22.99, ISBN#: 978-1-4257-5395-5

Imagination & Reality by Harry C. Doolittle

June 24, 2010 by  
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Imagination & RealityInterwoven with humor and satire, Imagination & Reality is an anthology of tales specifically collected and selected by Harry C. Doolittle. The author makes use of real locations that readers will be able to recognize though the characters and stories are fictional. He employs satire to cleverly present life’s sometimes absurd realities, wrapped in imaginative tales that will either draw out a laugh or provoke a thought.

Xlibris , $29.99, ISBN#: 978-1-4568-3543-9

The Value of a Homemaker by Patricia Zona

June 24, 2010 by  
Filed under Non-Fiction, Other Authors On Tour

The Value of a HomemakerI was fortunate to have three sisters and two brothers. I would be the youngest of three or the oldest of four. Growing up would not be an ordinary experience for any of us. Yet, amazingly we persevered. I believe all of us were determined and chose to do and be better— not repeat the same mistakes. Memories of our mother gentle and loving but frail and medicated too often. Our father instilled fear for he never was taught or shown real nurturing love himself. Later, we would all understand the dynamics of both our parents and we would forgive. My dreams were to be a singer, dancer, artist and missionary—one day. I have done it all in some small capacity and on borrowed time. I would marry while a junior in high school and have a son on my husband’s birthday. Then, we were young and in love and determined to defy the odds. We would have three children and achieve incredible financial success during the process. But, in the end I would be sacrificed and my husband rewarded. Divorced, appealed and annulled—I was compelled to write my first book—my story, for understanding and to make a difference….

Xlibris , $29.69, ISBN#: 978-1-4415-6469-6

Wondering About by David Strumfels

June 24, 2010 by  
Filed under Non-Fiction

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Wondering AboutWondering About is the personal journey of a mind that has used imagination, curiosity, and wonder to try to make sense of the world, using science as the bedrock of the road taken. The journey is personal in that David Strumfels has recently discovered that he suffers from Aspergers’ Syndrome, a form of high functioning autism that makes relating to other human beings extraordinarily difficult. Through the many sufferings of this condition prior to Mr. Strumfels’ diagnosis, his curiosity and passion to understand have allowed him to keep asking questions, and develop his own mind to where he can share it with others.

Xlibris , $29.99, ISBN#: 978-1-4500-1850-0

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